August 2nd, 3rd and 4th - 2012 at the Rosen Plaza Hotel in Orlando Florida.
World Yo-Yo Champion
Our 2012 Winners. Videos coming soon.
1A Hiroyuki Suzuki Japan
2A Shu Takada Japan
3A Hank Freeman USA
4A Rei Iwakura Japan
5A Takeshi MAtsuura Japan
Sports Ladder String Tricks
(1S) Sports String Trick Division and
(1WS) Worlds Sport String Trick Division
Sports String Trick Rules:
* The 1S Sports division is open to any player not competing in any of the seven World Championship divisions.
* The 1WS Sports Division, which does not carry a world title, is open to contestants who have entered Single A, Double A, Triple A, Off-String, Counter-weight or AP.
* You may compete in both the 1S and 2S Sports divisions to qualify for the 'Best All Around' Sports Division Award.
* For the Sport String Trick ladder, one attempt per trick is allowed. One missed trick will be allowed on the ladder, the second miss retires the player from the ladder. The score will be based on the highest number trick completed, and the highest number first missed trick will be used as the tie breaker.
* The score for 'Best All Around' will be based on the combined highest number of tricks completed on both ladders, and the highest combined number of first missed tricks will be used as the tie breaker. On a perfect score of 25 the player is given the first miss score of 26.
* On ties where the players missed the same first trick, go back to that trick and start again. If still tied again, go back to the new first missed trick and start doubling reps when applicable. If the tied players miss the same trick, the player with the most reps wins.
* On a score of 25 with no misses, the tied players go back to trick 20 and double reps when applicable. If still tied at 25 again, the players will restart the ladder at trick 20 and redouble again when applicable. If the tied players miss the same trick, the player with the most reps wins.
* It is the player’s responsibility to be available if a tiebreaker is needed. If a player can not be found for a tiebreaker, then they forfeit.
* A trick is complete when the string is fully wound around the axle and back in the hand.
* On all tricks, the yo-yo may be returned to the Throwhand utilizing a bind if you so desire. An unsuccessful bind attempt will be considered a miss. The yo-yo must be caught with one hand, the hand that originally threw the yo-yo, and not trapped against the body. More than five inches of string remaining outside the yo-yo when caught is considered a miss. String misses or significant loss of control of a yo-yo will not be allowed on any tricks.
* A trick starts and finishes within the trick box. A player must keep feet planted on all tricks. If a player's feet leave the trick box during trick it may be considered a miss.
* A throw made within the trick box counts as an attempt. Outside the trick box a player may only toss sleepers and string trick adjustments. Except for these allowable adjustment tricks practicing a contest trick outside the trick box during the judging session is considered a miss.
* Any yo-yo may be used. A player may adjust the yo-yo and string. An unintentional broken or knotted string may be replaced. A yo-yo may not be dismantled during the judging session without the approval of the judge. You may change out a yo-yo only one time on this ladder. However, a judge has the discretion to allow replacement of a yo-yo if the yo-yo is unintentional damaged.
* You may change out a yo-yo only one time on this ladder. However a judge has the discretion to allow replacement of a yo-yo if the yo-yo is unintentionally damaged.
Sports String Trick Awards:
Sports String Trick Awards will be given to the winners of the following age groups:
* 10 & under
* 11-12
* 13-16,
* 17-29
* 30-44
* 45 & over.
* Higest Sports String Trick Score of All age group competitiors
* Higest combined Sports String Trick Score (1S) and Sports Looping Trick Score (2S) of all age group competitors will be given the 'Best All Around" age Group.
Worlds Sports String Trick awards will be given to the contestant with the hghest socre who as entered 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5, CB or AP. Note that the winners of Worlds Sports String Trick Divsiion awards do not carry a world title.
* Highest Sports String Trick Score for all World Level Competitiors
* Highest combined Sports String Trick Score (1S) and sports Loopign Trick Score (2S) for all World Level Competitors will be given 'Best All Around' Worlds Sports Divisions Award.
1. Sleeper (3 seconds):
With your palm up, throw the yo-yo down. After the yo-yo leaves your hand turn your hand over and let the yo-yo spin for at least three seconds. Return the yo-yo to your hand by the method of your choice.
2. Side Throw:
From a Breakaway throw, let the yo-yo continue and complete one revolution of a sideways around the world into a sideways Sleeper. Return the yo-yo to your hand by the method of your choice. This trick is also called World Tour.
3. Tower:
Throw a Sleeper and place Freehand in front of string. Place string over Freehand and then over Throwhand thumb. Then twist your Freehand causing string segments to form an X. Pull string segment hanging from your thumb throw the bottom triangle of the X with the index finger of your Freehand. Now form the Tower by turning your Throwhand palm up and pulling upward with index finger of your Freehand. Lower yo-yo back to a Sleeper and return the yo-yo to your hand by the method of your choice. Trick also called Eiffel Tower or Tokyo tower
4. Rock the Baby (3 full rocks):
Throw a Sleeper and fold the string around your Freehand and form a triangle, or cradle, by pinching the string between your thumb and index finger of your Throwhand. Perform three or more full rocks of the yo-yo through the cradle. During each full rock the yo-yo passes through the cradle twice, once on the way out and once again on the way back. (Most variations of how the cradle is formed are acceptable.) . Lower yo-yo back to a Sleeper and return the yo-yo to your hand by the method of your choice.
5. Elevator:
Throw a Sleeper and pick up the string with a finger of your Freehand. Lift your Freehand upwards keeping the yo-yo in front of the string and place the yo-yo on the string just above your Throwhand. Cause the yo-yo to climb up the string, keeping it in contact with the string all the way up to just below your Freehand. Now reverse the direction and let the yo-yo come down keeping it in contact with the string all the way down to just above your Throwhand. Lower yo-yo back to a Sleeper and return the yo-yo to your hand by the method of your choice.
6. Braintwister (1 Somersault):
Throw a Sleeper and then perform a front mount. Now let your Throwhand index finger come up around the yo-yo and push the string segments half way between the yo-yo and the Freehand index finger causing the yo-yo to rotate around your Freehand completing one or more somersaults. Perform any dismount and return the yo-yo to your hand by the method of your choice.
7. Trapeze:
Throw a Breakaway and catch the yo-yo on the string over your index finger of your Freehand and let the yo-yo spin on the string. Perform any dismount and return the yo-yo to your hand by the method of your choice.
8. Split the Atom (3 somersaults):
Throw a split-bottom mount and perform a pass under the yo-yo with your Freehand index finger, then push forward into the double string segments with your Freehand index finger followed by a pass under the yo-yo with your Throwhand index finger. Now push back on the string segments and perform 3 or more somersaults. Perform any dismount and return the yo-yo to your hand by the method of your choice.
9. Double or Nothing:
Throw a Breakaway and let the yo-yo string wrap your Freehand index finger, and then wrap over your Throwhand index finger and continue over your Freehand index finger a second time. As the yo-yo comes over your index finger catch the yo-yo on the string segment furthest from your body. Perform any dismount and return the yo-yo to your hand by the method of your choice.
10. Mach 5 (5 Rotations):
Start with a split-bottom mount and perform a pass under the yo-yo with the index finger of your Freehand, continue the motion of your Freehand and pass over your Throwhand index finger, now perform a second pass under. You are now in the Mach 5 hold. With the yo-yo held between your index fingers, rotate your hands forwards around the yo-yo five or more times. Perform any dismount and return the yo-yo to your hand by the method of your choice.
11. Cold Fusion:
Start with a Double or Nothing. Bring your Throwhand under the yo-yo, landing it on the outermost upper string, and then push your Throwhand index finger into the double strings. Bring your Freehand under the yo-yo, landing it on the outermost upper string, and pull your Freehand index finger out leaving you in a 1.5-mount. Sling the yo-yo over towards your Freehand, and then back over your Throwhand, letting the yo-yo wrap around your index finger one more time. Unravel the wraps and land the yoyo back into a trapeze hold. Perform any dismount and return the yo-yo to your hand by the method of your choice.
12. Pop'n'Fresh (2 reps):
Perform a split-bottom mount directly into a Mach 5 hold (no string shortening somersaults allowed). The yo-yo will be on top of the strings between the Throwhand (front) and Freehand (back). Perform a pop and quickly switch the position of the Throwhand and Freehand. The yo-yo will now be on the bottom string in a split-bottom mount. Perform a second upward pop, and again quickly switch the position of the Throwhand and Freehand. The yo-yo should be back on top of the strings completing one rep. Complete a second rep by performing two more pops. Perform any dismount and return the yo-yo to your hand by the method of your choice.
13. Gerbil:
Full momentum trapeze mount into an inside somersault continuing into a Lindy loop, and then unwind the Lindy loop with an outside reverse somersault into a reverse Lindy loop. Unwind the reverse Lindy loop and intentionally miss landing a Lindy loop and land it on the flip over. Perform any dismount and return the yo-yo to your hand by the method of your choice.
14. Plastic Whip:
Throw a Sleeper and drape string over Throwhand thumb. Pull up with Throwhand causing string to go slack. Form a loop with the slack string by quickly rotating Throwhand wrist and catch the yo-yo in a one-hand Trapeze hold between the thumb and middle finger of your Throwhand without causing a knot in the string. Note that string may be twisted but may not be a knot when it lands in the one-hand Trapeze. Perform any dismount and return the yo-yo to your hand by the method of your choice.
15. Eli Hop (3 Reps):
Throw a trapeze mount and perform three hops (or pops). Hands don't need to touch during the three hops but each hop must use at least half the length of the string. Perform any dismount and return the yo-yo to your hand by the method of your choice.
16. Boingy Boingy (5 Reps):
Start with a split-bottom mount and while holding your Freehand still, cause the yo-yo to bounce out and back between string segments by performing short and quick up and down movements of your Throwhand. Each rep consists of a full bounce contacting the front and back segments. Complete five or more reps. Perform any dismount and return the yo-yo to your hand by the method of your choice.
17. Gyroscopic Flop:
Throw a trapeze mount and with your Freehand wrap string around yo-yo into an Oliver Twist hold. Pull on strings causing the yo-yo to rotate (flop) 180 degrees around the string. Perform any dismount and return the yo-yo to your hand by the method of your choice.
18. Kwijibo:
Throw a trapeze mount, then perform an upward pop into a wrist-crossed one-and-a-half mount hold (with Throwhand over Freehand), then roll Throwhand over and under Freehand into a wrist-crossed one-and-a-half mount hold (with Freehand over Throwhand), then pop to a double or nothing hold, then pop to a trapeze hold. Perform any dismount and return the yo-yo to your hand by the method of your choice.
Note that yo-yo must be popped upward on all three hops, and on the first pop the Throwhand must be clearly crossed over the Freehand so that the yo-yo is caught in the middle of a 'close to' horizontal wrist-crossed one-and-a-half mount hold.
19. Hook:
Also known as Hidemasa Hook. Throw a breakaway to a sleeper in front you. Extend the index finger from the free hand as you would for a Trapeze. With the yo-yo sleeping in front of you, pop the yo-yo up just below the free hand index finger. While the yo-yo is 'floating', swing the slack string under the yo-yo and the free hand index finger so that a U-shaped loop forms from under the free hand index finger. Allow the U-shaped loop to hit the underside of the free hand index finger and swing over the top of the finger. The U-shaped loop should the swing the outer string of the loop into the string gap. Roll the yo-yo over the free hand back to a bind in a modified trapeze hold. Unbind the trapeze hold and return the yo-yo to your hand by the method of your choice.
20. Suicide Catch (2 Reps):
Throw a trapeze mount, let the yo-yo swing under the Throwhand and pull your Freehand index finger out of the wrap and let the string segments loop over your Throwhand. As the loop comes over the Throwhand poke your Freehand index finger back into the loop. At this point you should be back in a trapeze hold completing one rep. Perform a second rep back to a trapeze hold. Perform any dismount and return the yo-yo to your hand by the method of your choice.
21. Iron Whip (2 Reps):
Throw a trapeze mount, grab an open loop with Throwhand, pop yo-yo out of trapeze, lasso yo-yo with a whip catch with the open loop, and roll back to a trapeze hold. Perform two or more reps. Perform any dismount and return the yo-yo to your hand by the method of your choice.
22. Kamikaze:
Throw a 'Houdini Drop' double or nothing hold using the thumb and index finger of your Freehand. Pop yo-yo upwards towards the top string segment and let the string segment drop off of your thumb simultaneously. The string should hit the underside of the top string and drop into a Side-style Mach 5 hold. Roll the yo-yo over your Throwhand index finger. Now with your Freehand index finger hook and pull the front string segment towards your body while letting the inside segment fall of your Freehand index finger. Now pop the yo-yo in front of the strings and land it on top of all the strings. At this point, or during the previous hop, you can untwist the string segment held on your Freehand index finger. Roll the yo-yo over your freehand index finger and you will be in a Trapeze hold. Next perform a Magic Drop as in Shock Wave. Now pop the yo-yo upward and hit the bottom of top string and let the yo-yo roll over your Throwhand index finger. Next reverse the direction of the roll and miss all strings. Let the yo-yo continue a second roll and land of the top string (furthest from your body). Reverse the direction of the roll again missing all strings. Let the yo-yo continue to roll and hit the bottom of the top string as it goes over your Throwhand index finger. Reverse the direction of the roll one last time landing the yo-yo on the bottom string. Let the outermost segment fall off your Freehand so you are back in a Trapeze hold. Perform any dismount and return the yo-yo to your hand by the method of your choice.
23. Sprit Bomb:
Throw a Breakaway over Freehand index finger (not over thumb) into a wrist-bucket mount; perform a double pass under with Freehand index finger. Pop yo-yo up, bring Throwhand under and catch yo-yo on outermost string segment. Pop yoyo up, uncross arms, and catch yo-yo over Freehand index finger back into wrist-bucket mount (Note that the yo-yo has to pass through the triangle formed over your Throwhand and land on bottom string segment). Perform a double pass under with Freehand index finger onto back string segment and pull into trapeze hold. Perform any dismount and return the yo-yo to your hand by the method of your choice.
24. Throwhand Grind (2-Grinds):
Trapeze mount, reverse pinwheel off trapeze into a grind on top (or side) of the Throwhand, slide the yo-yo back onto the string into a Trapeze hold. Perform 1 somersault, in the same direction as the pinwheel, letting the momentum of the somersault toss the yo-yo onto the top (or side) of the Throwhand into a second grind. Slide yo-yo off the top of the Throwhand onto the string back into a Trapeze hold. Perform any dismount and return the yo-yo to your hand by the method of your choice.
25. Black Hop:
Start with Triple or Nothing mount over both index fingers (note that you can not throw the Triple or Nothing over your thumbs or other fingers to spread the strings apart), hop down to Trapeze in 4 hops then back to a hold similar (but not quite) to a Triple or Nothing in 4 hops (more like undercuts). After all 8 hops pull your Throwhand index finger out of the hold and rotate the Yo-Yo 2 revolutions into a Trapeze hold. Perform any dismount and return the yo-yo to your hand by the method of your choice.