August 2nd, 3rd and 4th - 2012 at the Rosen Plaza Hotel in Orlando Florida.
World Yo-Yo Champion
Our 2012 Winners. Videos coming soon.
1A Hiroyuki Suzuki Japan
2A Shu Takada Japan
3A Hank Freeman USA
4A Rei Iwakura Japan
5A Takeshi MAtsuura Japan
Everything Else FAQ
Everything Else FAQ
I hear there is a top thing going on, what it is?
The fourth World Top Competition will be held this year at this event. Rules are posted under Tricks/Rules. Times will be posted under Schedule as soon as we can.
I want to volunteer to help for this event, can I?
Great! If we can use you, you will get in free!. You'll get some nifty stuff and a free pass for the event.
What else will be happening at this event?
Workshops, World Record Breaking Attempts, A yo-yo Mod Contest, Yo-Yo Swapping and even more. Now go at look at
Hey the dates look funny on this site, what's up with that?
Welcome to the USA where we try and confuse non-natives with our dating system. Instead of the logical DAY/MONTH/YEAR we use MONTH/DAY/YEAR. This makes sense when viewed alongside our need to use the Imperial measurement systems, and our coinage, that does not have the numeral of it's value printed on it.
Hey not everything on this site works, why?
it is because not everything is finished. Please come back and check regularly.
Will this FAQ be updated?