August 2nd, 3rd and 4th - 2012 at the Rosen Plaza Hotel in Orlando Florida.

World Yo-Yo Champion

Our 2012 Winners. Videos coming soon.
1A Hiroyuki Suzuki Japan
2A Shu Takada Japan
3A Hank Freeman USA
4A Rei Iwakura Japan
5A Takeshi MAtsuura Japan

Contest FAQ

Contest FAQ

Who can compete?
Anyone from any country can compete. There are individual Sport divisions that have age restrictions.

What divisions will there be?
There will be: Sport Looping, Sport String Trick, 1A, 2A, 3A, OS-4A, CW-5A, and AP (Artistic Performance). There may be more divisions added later, please check the web site for more information.

What divisions will hold world titles?
First place winners of the 1A, 2A, 3A, OS-4A, CW-5A, and AP divisions will be able to call themselves world champions. Sport division winners will not.

How many people will freestyle in each of the five technical divisions?
See the freestyle rules since the number of competitors will depend on the total number of contestants in each division. The winners of all National Yo-Yo Contests recognized by the World Yo-Yo Contest get to freestyle. In short, win a recognized national yo-yo contest and you get to go directly to the finals in the World Yo-Yo Contest.

What if a countries first place winner can't come?
Then that country's seed is not represented.

What if I?m the only contestant from my country, do I get to go directly to the finals?
Nope. Read the last question again. If you won a recognized national yo-yo contest (1st place), you get to freestyle. If you did not win a national yo-yo contest you must place high enough in the preliminaries just like all the other open contestants to get into the championship freestyle.

Why are you doing this?
It is the mandate of the World Yo-Yo Contest to support and cultivate the development of a world yo-yoing community. To help do this we are trying to integrate, on a voluntary basis, the various national yo-yo organizations into this contest. We are also trying to encourage the formation of national yo-yo organizations and national yo-yo contests all over the world.