August 2nd, 3rd and 4th - 2012 at the Rosen Plaza Hotel in Orlando Florida.
World Yo-Yo Champion
Our 2012 Winners. Videos coming soon.
1A Hiroyuki Suzuki Japan
2A Shu Takada Japan
3A Hank Freeman USA
4A Rei Iwakura Japan
5A Takeshi MAtsuura Japan
Preliminary freestyle rules
For more detailed definitions in this section, please look to the Freestyle Finals Rules.
Preliminary Freestyle Scoring: One-Minute Freestyles
A minimum of five judges will be used for the preliminary freestyles. The high and low scores for each contestant, for each of the three categories, shall be discarded and the average scores from the remaining judges will be used to determine the contestant’s score for each category.
Each preliminary freestyle judge shall score all three parts below.
1: Technical Execution: 60.00-Points Maximum
The highest net score(s), Positive points minus Negative points, from each individual judge shall be normalized to 60.00-points and all other scores from that judge shall be proportioned to a score of less than 60.00-points rounded to nearest one-hundredth of a point. Negative scores are possible.
2: Technical Evaluation: 20.0-Points Maximum
Two Categories: 0.0-5.0 points each - partial points, such as 3.2, 4.5 etc., to a tenth of a point are allowed. These two scores are added and multiplied by two by the computer. These scores are not normalized. Therefore, a maximum score of 20.0-points is possible for each contestant.
1. Cleanliness (Line of string, trajectory of yo-yo, smooth landings and flowing transitions)
2. Execution (No misses, perfection, completion, accuracy, precision)
3: Performance Evaluation: 20.0-Points Maximum
2 Categories: 0.0-5.0 points each - partial points, such as 3.2, 4.5 etc., to a tenth of a point are allowed. These two scores are added and multiplied by two by the computer. These scores are not normalized. A maximum score of 20.0-points is possible for each contestant.
1. Music Use (Music timing, cueing, choreography, rhythm)
2. Professionalism (Stage presence/composure, body control, presentation)
4: Major Deductions (Same as Championship Freestyle)
Final Preliminary Freestyle Score = sum of points for
Technical Execution (60.00-points maximum) plus
Technical Evaluation (20.0-points maximum) plus
Performance Evaluation (20.0-points maximum) minus MAJOR DEDUCTIONS.