August 2nd, 3rd and 4th - 2012 at the Rosen Plaza Hotel in Orlando Florida.
World Yo-Yo Champion
Our 2012 Winners. Videos coming soon.
1A Hiroyuki Suzuki Japan
2A Shu Takada Japan
3A Hank Freeman USA
4A Rei Iwakura Japan
5A Takeshi MAtsuura Japan
First Timers FAQ
This is a quick FAQ file for new attendees to the World Yo-Yo Contest.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to e-mail them to us.
1. What are seeded players.
Seeded players know who they are. They have won a National Yo-Yo contest in one of the recognized countries from around the world. We need to know who they are because they are advanced to the final round automatically. Regional contests do not effect this.
2. What is Luckys BBQ.
Lucky's BBQ is a part hosted at Dr. Lucky's house, home of the worlds largest yo-yo collection. He is located about a 10 to 15 minute drive from the hotel. You are responsible for getting yourself there and back. It is tons of fun, he has an amazing pool and is on a great lake. Bring a towel and swim trunks.
3. Divisions
There are two main groupings of divisions. The World Level Divisions and the Sports Level Divisions. The worlds level divisions have world titles, and are freestyle contests. The Sports divisions are divided by age range and are trick contests. Both are divided by style of play. Go to the worlds web site for more information about these. The sports divisions are geared more for fun and for new players.
4. The SE yo-yo (Special Edition)ever year we make a special secret yo-yo for the event. THe only way to get it is to order one when you register.
5. Contest tickets. On Friday and Saturday night there are tickets available for the finals from 6pm till they end (about 10pm). You can get those on the day of the event from the registration booth.
6. Children. Children under 7 can get in for free IF they are not competing. Remember we have had world champions as young as 11.
7. Admission. To attend you need to pay for a floor pass (admission) and if you want to compete you need to sign up for these as well. Admission gets you in to all Workshops, the main hall, and lets you watch all contests as well as letting you compete in the fun (non sports and worlds contests) that you do not need to sign up for in advance. More about these will be posted on the world yo-yo contest web site when we have more information.