August 2nd, 3rd and 4th - 2012 at the Rosen Plaza Hotel in Orlando Florida.
World Yo-Yo Champion
Our 2012 Winners. Videos coming soon.
1A Hiroyuki Suzuki Japan
2A Shu Takada Japan
3A Hank Freeman USA
4A Rei Iwakura Japan
5A Takeshi MAtsuura Japan
2012 Freestyle Yo-Yo Scoring
Freestyle Judging Rules and Guidelines for 2012:
NEW FOR 2012.
This group of judges will be using clickers and judging in the traditional way except that they will not deduct points for the major deductions listed below. They will give positive points based on for successful trick elements performed and deduct only for loss of control.
Technical Execution: 50.00-Points Maximum
A minimum of four Technical Execution Judges shall judge the finals. The high and low scores for each contestant shall be discarded and the average score from the remaining judges shall be used to determine the contestant’s Technical Execution score.
The highest net score(s), Positive points minus Negative points, from each individual Group A judge shall be normalized to 50.00 points and all other scores from that judge shall be proportioned to a score of less than 50.00 points rounded to nearest one-hundredth of a point. Negative scores are possible.
Positive Points:
· Only technical aspects shall be scored by the Group A judges (difficulty, transitions, trick variation, risk, etc.).
· Positive points shall be awarded for advanced level tricks or trick elements performed successfully. Variations of tricks and elements shall be fully scored.
· Repeated tricks, repeated trick elements and repeated mounts may be scored at a lower value or not scored at all. It is recommended that Group A judges be very strict and not score obvious repeating tricks and/or trick elements.
· Additional points may be awarded based on the difficulty level of a trick element. The base level (simplest advanced level tricks) trick would normally score one-point while more difficult tricks would be granted multiple points as the judge feels is warranted.
· The number of points a judge awards for a particular trick element may also vary depending on how well the trick element is performed. For example, the same type of catch of an “off-string” yo-yo may be given more points if the launch was extremely high as opposed to a launch where the yo-yo barely leaves the string. Similarly, a very basic Eli Hop may not even be scored if the yo-yo is only hopped a few inches off the string (because a particular judge feels it is not an advanced level trick element) while one with a very high toss may be scored.
Negative Points:
As noted above, Group A Judges will not assess negative points for Restarts, Yo-Yo Change outs, and Yo-Yos leaving the stage.
These “MAJOR DEDUCTIONS” shall be assessed by the two co-head judges, or their designees, and subtracted from the contestant’s total score for technical execution, technical evaluation and performance evaluation. This scoring change may significantly increases the value of a clean and perfect routine.
· In all divisions, 1-point shall be deducted for each trick or trick element missed including but not limited to: missed string hits/catches, missed slacks, missed lacerations, missed rejections, missed binds, missed 5A counterweight/string catches & tangles, failed 4A launches.
· In all divisions, 1-point shall be deducted for each loss of control. Repeated efforts to regain control of a yo-yo, such as but not limited to: repeated unsuccessful binds, repeated unsuccessful 4A launches, and excessive uncontrolled loops or punches shall result in additional deductions. In 2A and 3A (and in 4A and 5A when applicable) when two or more yo-yos are in play, each yo-yo is judged separately.
· Technical execution judges shall be very strict and not score repeating tricks or repeating trick elements unless they are clearly variations.
· Major Deductions for yo-yo restarts, yo-yo change outs, and yo-yos leaving the stage will be assessed by the Co-Head judges.
· No additional points shall be granted for the Technical Evaluation and Performance Evaluations elements being evaluated by Judging Group B. These elements will be scored by the Group B judges.
A minimum of four Technical Evaluation/Performance Evaluation Judges shall judge the finals. The high and low scores for each contestant for both Technical Evaluation and Performance Evaluation shall be discarded and the average score from the remaining judges shall be used to determine the contestant’s Technical Evaluation and Performance Evaluation scores.
Technical Evaluation: 20.0-Point Maximum
Four Categories: 0.0-5.0 points each – Note that partial points, such as 3.2, 4.5 etc., to a tenth of a point are allowed. These four scores are added and are not normalized. Therefore, a maximum score of 20.0 points is possible for each contestant.
1. Cleanliness (Line of string, trajectory of yo-yo, smooth landings and flowing transitions)
2. Variation (Different techniques within the style of play)
3. Uniqueness (Rareness, originality, difference within the contest framework)
4. Execution (No major deductions, near perfection, extreme precision and accuracy of technical skills):
A judge may grant a score of zero in a category if the contestant, in their opinion, failed to meet the minimum level expected for the competition. A score of 1.0 should be awarded for barely meeting the minimum level while a score of 5.0 should be reserved for an outstanding performance in that category.
General Scoring Details:
For each of the four “Technical Evaluation” categories a number of typical scoring elements are listed to orient the judges on what they should be looking for in a championship level freestyle. However, all of these categories are quite broad and other related factors may be considered by each judge as they score a particular category.
1. Cleanliness (Line of string, trajectory of yo-yo, smooth landings and flowing transitions): Are the tricks executed in a clean, fluid and controlled manner? Do the transitions into and between trick elements demonstrate mastery and control of the yo-yo style? Does the yo-yo land and exit the string cleanly?
2. Variation (Different techniques within the style of play):Technique variation not only demonstrates the scope of a player’s skills but may also increase the level of difficulty of trick elements. Does the performance contain a variety of trick elements encompassing all the major variations within that division? Are the trick elements showcased to the judges in a manner that make them clearly unique from other elements already completed? Are a variety of regenerations utilized to link tricks?
3. Uniqueness (Rareness, originality, difference within the contest framework): Does the player demonstrate an original or unique style of play with a significant number of original trick elements? Do most of the trick elements appear unique with little repetition? Does the player’s mix of trick elements demonstrate a higher level of difficulty than the other players?
4. Execution (No major deductions, near perfection, extremeprecision and accuracy of technical skills): On a scale of 0.0 to 5.0 just how perfect and masterful was the freestyle from a technical perspective?
Performance Evaluation: 30.0-Points Maximum
Six Categories: 0.0-5.0 points each – Note that partial points, such as 3.2, 4.5 etc., to a tenth of a point are allowed. These six scores are added and are not normalized. Therefore, a maximum score of 30.0 points is possible for each contestant.
1. Routine (Construction, scene, phase change)
2. Music Use (Choreography, music timing, cueing, rhythm)
3. Professionalism (Stage presence/composure, body control, presentation)
4. Amplitude (Variation in magnitude of moves, movement, stage use)
5. Style (Creativity of expression, distinct styling, integration, artistry)
6. Showmanship (Enjoyment, entertainment, story, theme)
A judge may grant a score of zero in a category if the contestant, in their opinion, failed to meet the minimum level expected for the competition. A score of 1.0 should be awarded for barely meeting the minimum level while a score of 5.0 should be reserved for an outstanding performance in that category.
General Scoring Details:
For each of the six “Performance Evaluation” categories a number of typical scoring elements are listed to orient the judges on what they should be looking for in a championship level freestyle. However, all of these categories are quite broad and other related factors may be considered by each judge as they score a particular category.
1. Routine (Construction, scene, tempo change): Does the freestyle have a beginning that grabs your attention and subsequent elements that build to an energetic climax? Is there a clear beginning and ending with smooth transitions from scene to scene and from changes in tempo.
2. Music Use (Choreography, music timing, cueing, rhythm):This is a very broad category that evaluates how elements such as the use of music, timing of element execution, and rhythm complement the freestyle. Does the music seem to fit the freestyle theme? Are the tricks timed to match the beat of the music?
3. Professionalism (Stage presence/composure, body control, presentation): Does the player demonstrate a mature professional presence before, during and after the freestyle? Does the player demonstrate total control of all aspects of the performance?
4. Amplitude (Variation in magnitude of moves, movement, stage use): Are the trick elements performed with amplitude that increases the difficulty and risk of the elements? Are the trick elements performed with speed that increases the difficulty and risk of the elements? Are the trick elements performed while the player is moving so to increase the difficulty and risk of the trick elements? Are the trick elements performed with changes in planes from vertical to tilted planes that increase the difficulty and risk of the trick elements?
5. Style (Creativity of expression, distinct styling, integration): Are the trick elements performed with stylistic variation? How artistic is the yo-yoing style?
6. Showmanship (Enjoyment, entertainment, story, theme):Was the performance staged and constructed in a manner to add to the interest level of the freestyle? How entertaining was the freestyle presentation? Did the contestant play to the audience and showcase their tricks?
Major Deductions:
Major deductions shall be subtracted after the scores for Technical Execution, Technical Evaluation and Performance Evaluation and totaled.
• 1.0-point deduction: Restarting the spin of the yo-yo.
• 3.0-point deduction: Change out of a yo-yo for another one for any reason.
• 5.0-point deduction: Yo-Yo leaves stage due to a broken string, mechanical failure or negligent action of the contestant.
• 5.0-point deduction: Yo-Yo(s) are spinning, thrown or in a mount before the time/music starts.
• Disqualification: A contestant may be disqualified for any negligent and/or willful actions that endanger the judges, staff, contestants or members of the audience. This action is subject to review by the Co-Head Judges and the Contest Director.
• Disqualification: A contestant may also be disqualified for using music that is deemed inappropriate for a general audience that includes children or for or actions on stage that are inappropriate for such an audience. Therefore, please refrain from using music with: inappropriate language, violent themes, sexually explicit themes, anti-religious themes and other such offensive lyrics. This action is subject to review by the Co-Head Judges and the Contest Director.
Final Championship Freestyle Score = sum of points for
Technical Execution (50.00-points maximum) plus
Technical Evaluation (20.0-points maximum) plus
Performance Evaluation (30.0-points maximum) minus MAJOR DEDUCTIONS.