August 2nd, 3rd and 4th - 2012 at the Rosen Plaza Hotel in Orlando Florida.

World Yo-Yo Champion

Our 2012 Winners. Videos coming soon.
1A Hiroyuki Suzuki Japan
2A Shu Takada Japan
3A Hank Freeman USA
4A Rei Iwakura Japan
5A Takeshi MAtsuura Japan newsletter

WYYC Update #3

Submitted by WYYC on Fri, 2012-06-08 21:34

A few quick updates.
This year not only is the hotel outside of our room block booked, but just about every other hotel in the area is also booked. There are several large conventions going on at the same time in other facilities. Our block is running out. If you want a room at the Rosen, register now. Remember, they don't charge you until a few days before you get there and you can cancel if you decide not to come (now why would you not come?)
We just posted the Ladder Rules, and rules for a few fun contest, check them out. These include Diabolo, and Top Ladders too. We would love to have a Kendama ladder this year, but we need someone to run it. If you are interested, reply to this e-mail.
Once again let me make this clear. If you are planning on taking advantage of a seed you won at a national yo-yo contest, you MUST get in touch with us before the event. We have a list of seeds we have heard from at and if you are not on it, don't expect to be able to use your seed. The requirement is on you to make sure you are on this list.
Registration is now open. Prices will go up on June 15th. You have not not noticed, that is a week away.
This is for you folks from outside the USA. The sun in Florida is very strong. It is why they call it the sunshine state. Make sure you use strong sun protection cream when you are outside here for any length of time. Remember to re-apply if you get wet (you swim) or every hour or so, because you will sweat it off. A sunburn can make your vacation go from fun to ... well not fun. Don't worry about bringing sun cream, you can get it in the USA, and from what I understand we have the best stuff outside of Australia. Read the FAQ for more info.
2013 Logo Help wanted
We are looking for a logo for the 2013 WYYC. If you are interested, please contact us. It must be separable into three colors, two of those will be white and black.
Do you want to sponsor worlds
We sent e-mails out to everyone we think. If our e-mail went missing or we forgot you, we are sorry. Please just contact us and we'll be happy to work with you on sponsorship.
Hopefully any questions you have can be answered at If not, you can always get in touch with us.
That's all for now. See you in Orlando.
-Gregory Cohen
Chairman 2012 WYYC.

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