August 2nd, 3rd and 4th - 2012 at the Rosen Plaza Hotel in Orlando Florida.
World Yo-Yo Champion
Our 2012 Winners. Videos coming soon.
1A Hiroyuki Suzuki Japan
2A Shu Takada Japan
3A Hank Freeman USA
4A Rei Iwakura Japan
5A Takeshi MAtsuura Japan
Registration FAQ
Registration FAQ
How do I register for the event?
Click on the register button on the top of this screen.
How can I save money on registration?
Pre-Register early. Registration prices are on a sliding scale, the earlier you register the less you will pay for admission.
If I don't pre-register can I still pay at the door when I get there?
Yes, but you will not be able to compete at worlds and you will not get a T-Shirt included with your admission. You can register to compete on-line before the event (Not at the door) and pay at the door. You can save some money by pre-registering.
What is Lucky's BBQ and why would I want to go?
Lucky's BBQ has become a favorite annual event of the World Yo-Yo Contest and is open to all that want to attend. The BBQ will take place at 5pm on Thursday night. Lucky owns a LARGE house with one of Americas largest yo-yo collections in it. It also has several swimming pools. So if you would like to come over to Lucky's on Thursday night, get a ticket and come on over. Remember to bring your swim suit and towel. Lucky's house is a short drive from the hotel. Maps will be provided at registration.
Will there be World Record attempts again at Lucky's house?
Yes, world record attempts will start around 5pm on Thursday and continue throughout the night.
Where is there more information I can find about this event?
Go to for the latest information.
Is there any support for Non-English speakers?
There will be some, it will be posted here
Is there a fee to enter?
Yes there will be a fee to enter. This is posted under registration.